Stenbom_Diem ‘Diem’
© Cecilia Stenbom
I work predominately with moving image and narrative film. I am interested in how screen-based narratives permeate our everyday and in turn how lived experiences are translated into narrative content. My research interest lies in the processes and methods – both conventional and experimental – involved in narrative filmmaking and how they feed into the above interrogation. Thematically I explore the muted catharsis of human interaction. I am interested in scenarios whereby miscommunication or misinterpretation cause small but felt moments of crisis in everyday life. I examine these universal collective experiences with moving image employing a host of mixed methods including observations, interviews, and re-interpretation. I work with moving image through film and installation byre-contextualize narrative for the gallery space or adapting it for the cinema screen. I am currently developing new works that employ role play as a mechanism to reveal hidden notions and attitudes. Exploiting the tension between role play as a contemporary training device and performance histories.