You Kept Me Vaguely Sane, Installation view, 2018. Photo: Colin Davison © 2018 BALTIC
Kat Bevan / Robert Bowman / Anthony Crammen / Simone Gandhi / Ricardo Lopes / Kitty McMurray / Alexander Nicholas / Murray Thompson
In 2016, in his speech before meeting the Queen to relinquish political office, David Cameron thanked his wife Samantha for keeping him vaguely sane. As a group of young artists working together in the two-year period following this event, we find ourselves in a state of flux, living, reacting and adjusting within this aftermath. Responding to this Brexit limbo and the ever-moving political landscape, the thing that has kept us all vaguely sane is the sanctuary of our creativity.
Throughout the two-year programme these artists have been encouraged to experiment, diversify and innovate, guided by individual curiosity and yet simultaneously driven by collective concerns.